Rebecca Emily Raab

tailored PR, Marketing & Communications

Strategy | Websites | Copywriting & Design

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Together we will create a plan to set goals and plan for where you want to get to. We’ll look at how to simply communicate what your brand is all about. By knowing where you want to get to, we can create exactly what you and your business needs.


tailored Website creation

Help your audience find you and understand what you do. Working together, we can create a tailor-made website for you to promote yourself and/or your business. Make it easy for customers and clients to purchase your services and products. Integrate payment and scheduling systems to reduce your admin time.

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COpywriting & Design

Whether you want an editor to check over a piece you have written or you want someone to write a piece from scratch for you, get in touch to see how I can help. From blogs and newsletters to your personal bio, we can work together to create an outstanding piece of writing that is reflective of you and your brand.


past client testimonial

“the website rebecca created reduced my admin time by about 90%. The scheduling system made it so easy for my clients around the world to book appointments. I ended up covering the cost of the website within a week! I keep being told how professional my website looks… Game changer!”

- Anne Bayford, holistic Therapist


Hello! I’m Rebecca.

I help create bespoke communications solutions for people who want to efficiently and effectively reach their desired audience. From website creation and strategies to copywriting, design and photography or even back end efficiency solutions, I use my 10 years of international industry experience with big name companies to help you with yours.